This year was my first Mother's Day and I enjoyed every minute of it!
On Saturday I went to the Mother-Daughter banquet with my mom at her Church in Richmond. She oversees the banquet and always puts together a wonderful luncheon for all the moms/daughters. It has grown in the past few years and this year there were over 140 people! This year's theme was "How Sweet It Is!"
It is nice b/c the men from the Church, including my dad, serve all us ladies and they do a great job making sure the food is passed out and the drinks are constantly full. Then they tear everything down and do the dishes at the end. What women doesn't love a man taking care of her!
I always enjoy helping out but mainly I love getting to spend the time with my mom...just us and no boys around :) Plus, a ton of my family attend the Church so there are many of my cousins, aunts, great aunts, grandma and great grandma that are there too. It's just a wonderful and relaxing day with great women that I have always looked up to.
On Sunday I spent the day with Logan and Brian. It was so awesome being around Logan and knowing that I'm so lucky to be his mom. He has brought so much joy into my life and is such a wonderful blessing!
We got up early and went to Panera for coffee (me) and breakfast sandwiches (them). Afterwards we went to Lowe's and Menards so that we could get the materials needed to landscape the backyard. I never in a million years thought this is how I would want to spend Mother's Day...working in the yard! But we got a lot done and had so much fun just hanging out together outside. For gifts I got tulips, a beach bag, sunglasses and flip flops. Everything I wanted for our Florida vacation next week :)
Logan decided to grab the hose and start spraying Brian and I. We were laughing so hard b/c by the end of the day Logan was a complete mess. He had mud, sand, ketchup and water all over him. The ketchup was from where we let him eat his chicken nuggets outside with his tray.
It ended up just being an absolutely wonderful Mother's Day!

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