My brother, Aaron turned 26 on December 2nd. So, since he is still such a big kid we met him and his girlfriend, Heather, at Chuch E Cheese. We ate pizza, played games, and took lots of pictures. I got the most tickets and got Aaron a Chuck E Cheese birthday doll that we all signed for him. We all really felt like a kid again :) We love you Aaron...Happy Birthday!
Brian and I took Logan to Disney on Ice. We really planned on being there for maybe the first part and he'd be ready to leave. But we couldn't believe it...he sat thru the entire thing! As soon as the show started he was just staring and then he would sing and dance. At intermission we shared an ice cream and then headed back to the show. The only part he was bored in was the prince/princess dances....he's all boy. For me, I loved this part because it was all the "couples" that I had grown up with as a little girl. Brian was laughing at me...he's also all boy :)
Heather and Aaron brought pizza one night during the week and we had our gift exchange with her since she would be with her family for Christmas. Logan really likes Heather and loves to do her hair. He also like to point out Aarons "moley."
We went to Chicago for the weekend before Christmas to spend it with Brian's side of the family. Brian's mom, dad, sister, Brandon, Erik, Courtney and Boppa were there. We ate appetizers, sat down for a nice dinner, opened gifts and stayed up late talking. The amount of gifts for Logan was insane. When we left we barely fit everything into my Jeep. Some of the things he got was a radio flyer wagon, giant radio flyer horse, Elmo Live, books, and so on.
For Christmas this year we had it at our house. I turned the front room into a Whoville with lots of colored lights and decorations. This was really fun and different for me b/c for the rest of the house I use white, silver, and blues to decorate. The decorations all turned out great and Logan seemed to enjoy all the colors.
He wasn't too fond of Santa though. We took him to see Santa at Reynolds farm and he actually sat next to him but was continuing to hold my arm the whole time. Santa started saying Elmo and that got Logan a little interested but he was much happier when I took him away.
My mom, dad, and brothers came to spend the night on Christmas Eve. We did our normal tradition of going to see lights, eating appetizers and opening sibling gifts. I also had a gift for everyone...matching sleepy pants. This way we could all match when we woke up on Christmas morning. Yes I know I'm a dork :)
On Christmas morning we videotaped Logan's waking up...he wasn't very cheery at first but perked up once he got going. We then tore into the brothers and I still rip them open like when we were young. Logan was obviously tired of opening gifts because he stopped opening them and said "done." Once done opening, we ate the casserole my mom made and played with our new gifts. Around 1 p.m. Tonya, Eric and Nick came over and I fixed a mid-day dinner for everyone: chicken cordon bleu, roasted potatoes, ceaser salad, and appetizers. Once everyone left, Alex hung around for a little bit and Brian and I opened our gifts to each other. We got Logan to open a couple more, but then we went ahead and opened his too. What a Christmas! It was all I could've hoped for.
On Christmas morning we videotaped Logan's waking up...he wasn't very cheery at first but perked up once he got going. We then tore into the brothers and I still rip them open like when we were young. Logan was obviously tired of opening gifts because he stopped opening them and said "done." Once done opening, we ate the casserole my mom made and played with our new gifts. Around 1 p.m. Tonya, Eric and Nick came over and I fixed a mid-day dinner for everyone: chicken cordon bleu, roasted potatoes, ceaser salad, and appetizers. Once everyone left, Alex hung around for a little bit and Brian and I opened our gifts to each other. We got Logan to open a couple more, but then we went ahead and opened his too. What a Christmas! It was all I could've hoped for.
We got to have one more Christmas celebration with my grandma & grandpa Cummins....Logan's great-grandparents. They got him a Thomas the Train bike and much needed helmet and knee pads :)
Brian turned 30 on December 31. The night before I had Aaron, Heather, Tonya, and Alex over for a small get together to celebrate the big day. Then for his actual birthday we decided to keep Logan with us and spend the evening as a family rather then getting a babysitter. We went to Qdoba for breakfast...Brian's fav...and then had a late dinner at the Kona Grill in Carmel. Once home and Logan was put to bed, he didn't even come close to staying up until midnight, we watched the ball drop on television. Another family night together that we will always remember.
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