Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Well, Logan did not exactly sleep the night thru and so we were up with him pretty early. Everyone was at our house and we headed out to Crackel Barrel for breakfast. Logan enjoyed all the different types of food. I still cannot believe how well he is doing for such big changes in his little world.

Afterwards we came back to the house and they all told us to just relax and they would take care of him. This was such a blessing, because we were still so exhausted. They gave him a bath and played with him and all his new was like Christmas in our living room. Brian and I took this time to take a much needed shower and nap. Oh how thankful I am for family!

When we woke up we went to buy tons of fireworks. Logan loved them and was laughing and smiling the whole time. Once again we were shocked at how well he adjusts to new situations. One thing we wanted to always do was continually expose him to new things and experiences. He sure makes that easy to do!

I don't think we could've come back at a better time....Happy July 4th! We truly do love America.

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