Well, about two weeks ago we found out that I was pregnant! This is very exciting news for us since we had decided to try again. The first time I had gotten pregnant I had lost it due to an ectopic pregnancy. This all happened while waiting on Logan. 2 days after my surgery, we got the call to go meet him for the first time in a couple of weeks. That sure helped the situation and what an extra blessing he was!
So, this time we were a little nervous. But yesterday I had my first ultrasound and the baby is in the right place! We even got to see the heartbeat. She (per me) is only .15 mm...so small but so amazing :)
I'm so excited for Logan to become a big brother. It will be a change for him, but he is such a good little helper. Plus, he's getting lots of practice with my friend's new baby Ana.
In these pictures, the baby is the tiny white dot inside of the large black area and to the left of the next biggest ring, which is the yolk sak.