The big event finally came...Kari & Brandon's Wedding weekend! On Friday was the Rehearsal and Dinner.
The Wedding was being held at the Illinois Beach Resort on the grassy area overlooking the Lake. Since it's lake Michigan it really looks like the ocean and was a beautiful backdrop to the wedding. The rehearsal went well and we were really proud that Logan made it down the aisle on both trys. He was walking with Owen and they were adorable together, especially on the first try when they both took off running down the aisle...too cute!
The dinner was at The Tropics restaurant on Winthrop Harbour, which was hosted by Brandon's parents. We had a private room overlooking the lake and it was all set-up so nice. Both families got to hang out before the big day and it was so much fun. Brandon's family is great!

Kari and Brandon got Logan a harmonica for being the Ring Bearer.

He played and played it all night long.

He also pretended that it was a phone and went around to many people having them talk into it.

It was also a camera, so he went around to all the tables saying "SMILE"

As you can see, he was Very excited about his harmonica (aka phone and camera)

Future Mr & Mrs Van Eck

Me (Maid of Honor) and Kari (Bride to be)
Future Van Ecks with Mom of the Bride

There was a ramp at the side of the room and all the kids had a blast running up and down it.

For being a Groomsmen, Brian got a Ball-B-Q set. It's really neat because everything is "golf" related: Golf Flag Kabob Skewers, Putter Basting Brush, Dimples Golf Spatula, Wedge Head Tongs, Golf Ball Corn Holders.
The cake was really yummy...even the shells on it were chocolate!

Logan and all the kids found a wonderful friend in Brandon's cousin. He was twirling them around and standing them on his shoulders. Logan decided to take it a step further and started doing back-flips off of him. Such a dare devil :)

And let's not forget how much he Loves to play with Boppa's cane!

This time it was a microphone and he did Kareokee for everyone. After a song he would raise up the cane and cheer...and of course everyone cheered right along with him :)

Eating with Grandpa & telling lots of stories!

Mommy and her little man