We are on our way home! It seems like forever since we were there. This is definitely an experience I will never forget. The driver picked us up and we headed to the airport. We bought Logan's ticket and next thing we knew we were in the air. Our first stop was Frankfurt Germany. We got there and first thing we did was loose one of Logan's shoes on the bus. So we had our first mishap with him, and we were positive it wouldn't be the last :)
We had a long delay and then finally boarded the plane for Washington Dulles airport. Were not looking forward to this flight b/c it had already been a very long day and this was our long flight. Unfortunately Logan decided to not sleep the entire flight and wanted to cry alot....actually so did Brian and I. We couldn't console him to sleep so none of us got any sleep at all. Then, we finally landed in Washington and he still did not sleep, so neither did we. One good thing is that we were finally able to call our family b/c the cell phones would work. Logan got to talk, actually listen, as grandma's and grandpa's spoke to him. After the layover there, we got onto the smaller plane to Indy and finally he slept for an hour on my lap. Needless to say an hour in 24 is not enough for any of us. We were all exhausted and pretty grumpy with each other (first family fights).
I will never forget the excitement and feeling of love that I felt when we got off the plane and saw all of our family there waiting on us. Tears instantly came as they stood there with their excited grins and balloons. We were so tired, but at that moment everything was just perfect and all that I could ever have imagined. Logan was a lucky little boy to have these wonderful people as his family. There was my mom, dad, brothers aaron & alex, grandma & grandpa cummins, aunt tonya, uncle eric & cousin nick, and brian's mom & dad.
Logan obviously welcomed the change too b/c he actually went to pretty much everyone and we were oh so thankful for that! We all headed back to our house and a couple hours later finally all went to bed.